Eric J. Chaisson

The Hubble Wars (Softback) [Eric J. Chaisson - 1998]

386 pgs, 1998, Harvard University Press
ISBN 978-0674412552

A recreation of the struggles of scientists, politicians and publicists to fix the ailing Hubble telescope, brought up to date in this latest version of Hubble Wars which sorts out the spectacular from the mundane contributions that the HST has made to our knowledge of the Solar System, the Milky Way galaxy, and the distant galaxies of deep space.


  1. Prologue: Launch of Space Telescope
  2. Deployment and Early Operations
  3. Jitters, in Space and on the Ground
  4. Hubble's First Flight
  5. Babel Revisited
  6. Rocky Road to the Imaging Campaign
  7. Inaugural Science Observations
  8. More Early Science Results
  9. Epilogue: Miracle on Orbit
  10. Afterword: The Fix

Price: $18.95
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  The Hubble Wars (Softback) [Eric J. Chaisson - 1998] - Eric J. Chaisson


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